Top Dentist in Philadelphia, PA
Dental veneers are shells made out of either porcelain or composite resin material. They are bonded to the teeth and blend in nicely. Veneers match the shade and color of your natural teeth, giving patients that perfect natural looking white smile.
Typically, veneers are used for patients that have misshapen, stained, uneven, or chipped teeth. Veneers are not permanent, but they are durable, and last between 10-15 years. The life of veneers depends on how much wear and tear they face over time.
Veneers typically take more than one appointment in our office. We require a preliminary consultation to discuss each patient’s goals, and to determine a customized treatment plan. Our team will take x-rays to help us review your teeth in detail, and determine what type of veneers are best.
When patients return to our office, a portion of the tooth enamel is removed to prepare the teeth for the veneers. Molds of your teeth are taken, and are sent out to a lab to prepare the veneers. Once the veneers are ready, our team ensure the veneers fit properly. We also check the color to ensure they match perfectly with your natural teeth.
The teeth are thoroughly cleaned to ensure the veneer adheres properly to the tooth’s surface. A special cement material is used to place the veneers on the teeth. An ultraviolet light is used to harden and help set the veneer quickly. The veneer process takes a few weeks to complete, and patients should expect multiple appointments.
Once the veneers have been placed, we require patients to return to our office for a follow up visit. This is to ensure the veneers are still looking and feeling great. Veneers are a less extensive procedure, and are not invasive, making this a great choice for many patients seeking a bright white smile.
Porcelain veneers are durable, and are made out of ceramic. These veneers can be matched exactly to the shade of your natural teeth. Porcelain veneers are the most common type of veneer used because of the ability to really customize the veneer to best fit your teeth. Porcelain veneers preserve as much of your existing tooth as possible, and give patients a long lasting smile.
Lumineers are another type of porcelain veneer that can help to improve a patient’s smile. This type of veneer requires minimal tooth preparation, and the material is thinner and easily applied compared to traditional porcelain veneers. Placement of lumineers can be done without injections or anesthesia, and give patients the same benefits and long lasting results.
Composite Resin
Composite resin veneers give the same results and benefits compared to traditional porcelain veneers. This type of veneer helps with chips, teeth length, and gaps between teeth. Composite resin veneers are less expensive, making this a budget friendly choice for patients. The life of a composite resin veneer is not as long as traditional porcelain veneers. Composite resin veneers are applied in a similar fashion with minimal tooth preparation.
CEREC veneers (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) allows our doctor to create and design veneers for patients using our in-office milling unit. With CEREC veneers there is no waiting, and the veneers can be made right in our office. This type of veneer is quick, durable, and long lasting. CEREC veneers give patients a beautiful white smile in just one visit.
Zirconia veneers are typically used for patients that have severely decayed or damaged teeth. This type of veneer is helpful for patients that are looking for an option that is stronger than porcelain veneers. Zirconia is typically used for back teeth, and this type of material can add strength to teeth to prevent wear and tear.
Porcelain veneers are thin restorations that can be added to the front of your smile. They help to cover up flaws and minor imperfections that might have you feeling badly about your appearance. Veneers are made specifically for each patient, so they feel and look completely natural. You can expect the new veneers to last for about a decade before replacement is necessary.
The reason you might want or need veneers is because the front of your smile is flawed. Your teeth might be cracked, stained, discolored, unevenly spaced or unsightly. Rather than undergo extensive procedures to fix these issues, veneers will cover them up and provide you with the full and healthy smile you’ve always wanted. Veneers are best for adults wanting a complete cosmetic change to their appearance.
Your front teeth can be flawed, but they should be otherwise healthy enough to hold onto the veneers. If they are decayed or severely damaged, we might suggest other types of treatments before you can have veneers placed. With the help of an exam, we can determine if porcelain veneers are right for you. Most of our patients who want veneers can safely have the procedure done.
The veneer procedure will begin with a complete consultation and examination. We will then prep your front teeth for the veneers. This entails buffing them down slightly so that the veneers fit properly over them. Impressions are taken and used to make your permanent veneers. You will come back into the office to have the new veneers placed over your smile. You can brush and floss around the veneers as you would normally. With the right care and attention, you can expect the porcelain veneers to last for about a decade.